
Holiday Waste Reduction Tips – Part 4 - More Gift Ideas

- Check out this cute dog jacket made from plastic soda bottles. I heard it was purchased at Target but I can’t find it online.

- Teva has a new collection of shoes called "curbside" that feature recycled content materials

- Coca-Cola has some recycled PET T-shirts for sale on its Web site

Other Alternative Gift Ideas
-Give home-baked goodies in reusable containers like baskets, tins or jars.

-Give non-materialistic “green” gifts that do not require wrapping, such as gift certificates for massages, to restaurants, cooking classes, sailing lessons, etc. Theater, sporting event, concert or movie tickets are always appreciated. Experiences are remembered long after other presents wear out.

-Give a gift of time or talent. Take someone to a play, concert or movie. Make gift certificates for a special dinner, pet sitting or house cleaning. Offer your talents at gardening, photography or financial planning — or better yet, teach someone a skill you possess such as knitting, woodworking or playing an instrument.

-Make a charitable donation in the recipient’s name or give a membership to a museum, environmental or other nonprofit organization.
-Give fair trade coffee and teas or local and organic fruit and vegetable baskets.

-Give a compost bin, can crusher, water timer, programmable thermostat, rain barrel, house plant, bird feeder, light timers or bat house.

-When gift giving think durable. Consider how long the item will last before you make a purchase.

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