
Social Media Tip - Tweetdeck

Have you heard of Twitter? Twitter is a micro-blog. Kind of like the status function in Facebook but it allows you more versatility. RE3.org has been on Twitter for a couple of months now and I have heard all this hype about how great it is that you can get real-time information about what people are saying. I finally figured out how folks are doing this – Tweetdeck. You have to download another small free program to your computer. It is cool. Every time someone says something about recycling on Twitter I get a little notification. So what ARE people saying?

Check some comments out below.
- Me: have you met the new neighbors? Mom: yes, they're weird (contempt). Me: what's wrong with them? Mom: well, they don't recycle.
- The guy at the recycle place is hitting on my mom.
- Funny and sad how there was a plastic bag that said recycle down by the river bank.
- Went to another tennis club that didn't recycle and carried my empty can home again. Do you get frustrated when there's no recycling?
- Just moved the yellow pages from the doorstep to the recycle bin. What a waste.
- Spoo explaining why she doesn't like a guy: "He doesn't recycle."

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