
Survey Results – Raleigh, N.C. via N.C. State Students – Spring 2009

Input from Guest Blogger – Bianca Howard

This past spring semester, N.C. State Pack Promotions (Communications and Marketing Student Group) administered a 25-question survey that received 237 responses. The survey was sent to acquaintances of Pack Promotions members through Survey Monkey (an online tool) and through a hard copy form.

Demographic information: 59% = female and 38% = male, (3% did not answer this question)
68% of participants were 18 to 29-years-old, 14% were 30 to 39-years-old, 6% were 40 to 49-years-old and 9% responded were 50 or older. (3% did not answer).

Focus group results and open ended survey results:
- Text messaging and other reminders
- Use the Internet to communicate
- “Recycling is inconvenient”
- “I’m unsure of which items can be recycled”

Q: Did you know that there are three items (oyster shells, plastic bottles, wooden pallets) that will no longer be accepted in the landfill beginning October, 2009? 93% said no.
We have our work cut out for us!

Q: Do you consider yourself an active recycler? 64% said yes.

Q: Have you heard of the Recycle Guys before? 72% said yes.

When asked “Which outlets do you rely on for recycling information? Please check all that apply,” the majority of respondents (36%) said that television was their main form of communication. Other main categories included: 33% indicated friends, 29% from newspapers, 26% said family and 25% said they got their information from the Internet.

So Bianca posed the question – Why is TV number one in this survey as the main form of recycling communication, when over the past few years RE3.org surveys show the Internet as the main avenue for information and communication?

I’m not sure, exactly, but it could be that the question was phrased slightly different, that ~30% of the survey respondents were more than 30 years old and/or 60% were female. We often get data that shows 35 to 55-year-olds watch more TV and that females get information more from TV than males.

What do you think? What is the best mode of communication in your town?

1 comment:

Reel Whore said...

I think the impression is that TV is more convenient over the Internet. The Internet is only as resourceful as the webpage design presents its resources.

The newsletters are the best mode of communication in my Town, though I wish the Town's Internet was more accessible and intuitive.