Reducing, reusing and recycling our waste are important steps in creating a more livable Earth. Therefore, it’s important to consider how waste reduction can fit into our lives inside and outside the home.
Follow these waste reduction tips and you’ll do your part to create a more livable environment, whether you’re in the office, at home or on-the-go!
Waste Reduction Tips for the Home
• Eat dinner with your dinnerware and silverware, instead of with disposable plates and utensils.
• If you have plastic grocery bags lying around, use them for Spot’s cat litter or take them back to the store for recycling.
• Next time you’re wrapping a birthday gift, use wrapping that can be recycled; like bows, ribbons and wrapping made out of paper (instead of foil or plastic).
• Those pesky metal hangers cluttering your closet don’t have to be thrown in the trash. Take them to the dry cleaners, put them in your box going to a charitable clothing store or take them to a metal recycler.
• When you clean out your closets during spring cleaning, send your unwanted clothes, kids’ toys, books and other useful items to a donation center.
• The next time you do home renovations, send the unwanted materials you tear out, such as kitchen cabinets, doors, ceilings fans or faucets to Habitat for Humanity or another reuse facility. Find out how to donate at http://www.habitat.org/.
• Start a compost pile to divert your food scraps from the landfill and to avoid having to buy expensive topsoil this spring. To find out how, visit http://www.p2pays.org/compost/.
• Live in an apartment complex that doesn’t offer recycling? You can make a big impact by letting your complex manager know you want to have recycling.
• You may be surprised at how much of what you view as trash is actually wanted by other people or businesses. Before you throw it away, check out http://ncwastetrader.org/home.aspx.
Waste reduction tips for on-the-go will be coming soon!
Tell us what you think.
Do you have a compost pile at your house?
Does your apartment complex offer recycling?
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