
Make your own Epic

As part of The Sustainable Living Expo, EPIC has teamed up with Seventh Generation Inc. and Treehugger.com to launch the EPIC International Prize as part of the Convenient Truths: A Green Video competition.

An Inconvenient Truth presented a problem; we want you to show us how to solve this problem. Create an actionable, inspiring follow-up to the movie.

The EPIC International Prize will focus on videos that best address issues of conscious consumerism and its relationship to climate change. Videos can discuss various components of daily life including transportation, home and garden, clothing, work, recreation, etc., and in this, the subsequent actions being taken to reduce one's carbon footprint.

FIRST PRIZE WINNER will receive a cash award of $5,000, a Jorg&Olif Citybike, a pair of Earthangels Shoes from John Fluevog and a free flight to Vancouver for the EPIC Sustainable Living Expo.

TOP TEN videos will be screened on epicvancouver.com
FINALISTS will be screened on the EPIC Main Stage

FOR CONTEST DETAILS GO TO www.truths.treehugger.com. Hurry! The deadline is Feb. 28, 2007.

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