
ARTICLE - Current TV

Have you ever watched the Current TV channel? Through my cable provider, it is channel 122 (way up there) but well worth the surfing. It has only user generated content (UGC) videos. Not to mention, Al Gore created the channel. What’s not to love?

Ad Age recently had an article about Current.TV. (See October 16, 2007 by Andrew Hampp). The article talks about how many news programs like CNN have a viewership age of 50 to 60. You can get your news from Current.TV via the eyes of the 18-34 year old demographic. Not only can you watch the podcasts (user generated content snip-its) on TV but they are then all archived on-line.

Advertising on Current.TV also involves UGC or viewer-created ad messages as they call them. Sounds like what we did with RE3.org years ago. Check out our commercials that were created by the demographic about recycling - http://www.youtube.com/re3org.

I would love to see a podcast on this channel about recycling. I searched the site and found a few videos (which I will post later) but I didn’t find a video of what my directorial debut could be. Watch and enjoy!

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