
E-mail Tidbits Part 4 – Contests

Recycling Bin Design Contest
Busch Systems in partnership with the Collegiate/University Recycling Council announced their second annual Product Design Competition for a recycling bin. Is there a feature you’ve always wanted to see incorporated into a recycling container? What about a new-style container for your recycling program? Contact Busch Systems to discuss your submission. The deadline for submission is May 30, 2008.

Lifecycle Building Challenge 2 Launched
Have you heard about Design for Deconstruction yet? Imagine these possibilities:
-a recreational building that breaks into three parts for transportation by truck to a new site

-the green mobile home with detachable rooms allowing for additions or remodeling
-a plug-in home with a specialized connector joint, allowing components to be unplugged quickly and without damage
-zip tape that allows drywall to be easily removed and reused

Building science fiction?! Not at all – these are just a few examples of ideas from last year's Lifecycle Building Challenge! The Lifecycle Building Challenge 2 is a Web-based competition from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, the Building Materials Reuse Association, the American Institute of Architects, Southface Energy Institute and West Coast Green. This national competition invites engineers, designers, planners, contractors, builders, educators and students to submit their ideas for buildings and building materials that facilitate and anticipate future changes to and eventual adaptation, disassembly, or dismantling for recovery. For details and free registration visit www.lifecyclebuilding.org. Please register online by June 15, 2008. Entries must be submitted by July 31, 2008. If you have any questions, e-mail: info@lifecyclebuilding.org.

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