
E-mail Tidbits Part 3 – Newsworthy Items

The New York Times had an article around Earth Day about how one person can really make a difference for the environment. Their recommendation is to plant a garden. The article is a little depressing at first but read through to the end and feel good that every little bit does help!

Have you ever thought about recycling up until the day you die? What about even after that? This article in the Sun Journal reminds us that body donation is important for research and lots of other things.

“The skin of a cadaver, for example, can treat burns. Bones are fashioned into surgical screws, dowels and putty. Ligaments can rebuild knees. Researchers study cadaver tissue to look for genetic links to disease. The Army enlists cadaver feet to test the blast-worthiness of boots. Surgeons visit private practice facilities called "bioskills labs" to learn techniques or test instruments on heads or hips.”

Along with recycling bodies, what about recycling dentures? According to InventorSpot dentures have precious metals that are very valuable. This pilot collection project in Japan hopes to gather these teeth that are replaced about every three years.

This spring trash was piled high in Naples Italy due to a garbage strike. Finally in March the trash was removed from the city streets but long-term damage was done to their tourism industry. I bet they don't have much of a recycling system either. Read more about it in the International Herald Tribute. Watch a video showing the trash lined up on city streets and the effect it had on the town.

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