
TRAINING: Project Learning Tree Solid Waste and Recycling Curriculum Workshop

Where is “away?” - A Municipal Solid Waste workshop featuring Project Learning Tree

Everyone knows our waste goes "away" when we dispose or recycle it. But where is "away?" This workshop will give you a hands-on look at "away." You will also receive multiple lessons about solid waste and recycling, hear from experts in the field, and walk away with recycling freebies you can use with your school or organization. Participants will also receive the PLT PreK-8 Activity Guide and the PLT Secondary Module Municipal Solid Waste to help implement what they have learned into their classroom/programs. Workshop qualifies for Criteria I of EE Certification and CEU renewal credits. A $75 stipend will be given to the first 15 classroom teachers and others within school districts that register.

Workshop, lunch, tours and additional materials are provided free of charge.

Held in Wilkes County:
-September 24, 2009: 9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
-September 25, 2009: 9:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.

To register, go to our home page: http://www.p2pays.org/, and complete the form located under “hot topics” or contact Kelley Dennings at Kelley.Dennings@ncdenr.gov for more information.

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