
Streetscape Recycling

I recently posted a question to the P2Assist listserv asking which towns had a streetscape recycling program. As usual, Orange County is ahead of the curve. Here is what the recycling folks in Orange County had to stay about streetscape recycling.

Orange County has a handful of "pedestrian recycling stations" in Chapel Hill and Carrboro. County Recycling staff service them. We also have these "pedestrian recycling stations" in downtown locations, at our park and ride lots and also at a few parks.

UNC has quite a number of “pedestrian recycling stations” throughout campus. They are typically set up in a group of three units (one for paper, one for cans and bottles and one for trash) all distinctly labeled but with similar designs.

We have a variety of design types represented in our pedestrian stations, some custom built to conform to town design standards and others are more “off the shelf” versions. Two of the stations were custom built in the mid-1990s using bricks. Others were purchased from Busch Systems. When forced to confirm to a town design standard, we had to purchase recycling containers that look EXACTLY like the adjoining trash cans and they are often filled with garbage.

Any other local governments out there have an example of streetscape recycling?

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